Friday, July 10, 2009

SPORTS CAMP.....and other things

So yeah we are in the throws of it folks! Sports Camp is next week and I never really put much thought into what goes on for this. We are doing Sports Camp and block parties starting as early as this Saturday!!!
And get this have to tell people about the block parties and the sports you can in turn tell them about Jesus!! OHHH....that's how this is working.
We have these killer announcements about the Sports Camp on one side and then about the Commons on the other and those are the main announcement sheets. Then we attach a small piece of white paper talking about the Block Party in their neighborhood going on whatever day its going to be and the location.
So how do you get the announcements out.....well the folks come to your door and ask for the announcements for their neighborhood....ummm not quite. We put on our shoes and get our folks out and put them on peoples doors. I was with Amy and the girls so at different times I had Madison and Tait or just me and Riley. It was super fun! The girls were really getting into it...until lip gloss came into play.....long story! :-)
In addition to the excitement of Sports Camp....I have a job! No...another one. I am still doing the office work for Mark but I know have a an office....and will have benefits!! YAY!! It's a business called Pacnor Marketing and I am loving it! It's just a small team and a smaller business and that's what I like! This is going to be hard though during Sports Camp as I will be doing the Sports Camp in the mornings and then coming straight to work!! It will be tough but God's strength will get me through this!! I know it!
I am getting more and more excited about Corrie coming up here!! I really can't wait! Please pray that God provides the house that we would like to have to use for ministry!! Please pray that He provides in every which a way for the coffee shop!!
I know there is probably more I have to say but that's I will say for now. I don't know how much I will blog during Sports Camp but I will try to give a mid-week update.
Thanks so much!! Love you all!! Thanks for the prayers and the support!! May God bless you in ways you never imagined!!

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