Tuesday, April 13, 2010

God's Blessing

I am soooo thrilled and excited this morning....I don't even know where to start!!  God has placed some women on my heart...heavily!  One of which was just baptized on Sunday!  I cried...I praised God for her salvation!  
Earlier that week Tim had asked me if I would be willing to evangelize and I said sure!!  Then I asked him what that meant.  I didn't know.  This wasn't a term I was familiar with so we talked about it.  When you realize that you are asking someone if they are going to Heaven or not and if they were to die today would they know where they are going....is a bit scary!!  Now I don't normally have a problem talking but this was serious.  
So back to my friend that was baptized.  She and I had been hanging out and I had asked if she was ready for it but she felt she wasn't.  After Easter's message and me asking her about it a few days later she sent an email to Tim asking if it was too late for her to be baptized on Sunday.  Well of course it wasn't .  So Tim charged me with 'sealing the deal' with her since he was out of town.  Not that anybody's salvation is a 'light' thing to consider...but I just felt a huge amount of responsibility.  I talked with her and she was ready!  We were crying before she even walked into the sanctuary!!  It was truly inspiring to see this and wonderful.  I'm so excited about where God is going to take her in her walk with Him.  Who knows?!  
I led the women's bible study last night.  We started Crazy Love by Francis Chan which is just a great book.  This morning I got the best message of encouragement....she said, 

'So after last night I just wanted to let you know how much I look up to you!! I had no idea that YOU have gone through any of those feelings and had some of the same thoughts that I have. In my mind you are sooooo strong and full of faith. I honestly use you as an example as where I would like to be someday in my relationship with God and just as an awesome person!! I'm sure I am not the only one that feels this way either!! So I love you and always keep your head up!'

This just made me beam up at my Father....for it's Him that I hope shines through me.  And then I am starting a single-ish girls group and there is one of the girls that I wanted to make sure would come along but she has a baby boy....well I didn't have anyone for childcare.  I found someone!!  So I sent her a message and this is how she replied, 

'im excited! thanks for keeping bugging me about it because that is what i neeeeed! seriously if i dont respond just keep writing me emails facebooks and anything because i wasnt going to go but then i was like wait.. what am i thinking! this is what i need right now.. good people and good environment and good conversation.. seriously! i love you kathy!'

I couldn't have asked for a better morning!!  This has just been a good day!!

Last night...I was talking to my boyfriend....telling him that I wanted to have dinner for the girls on these nights and that I was going to go ahead and do it.  He asked if the church was going to pay for it and I said that I was going to try to get the girls to chip in and pay for the food.  He said that he wanted to take care of it!!  So he will be paying for all the food so I don't have to worry about this!!  God is so good!!  Thank you Jesus!!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

A Commons Update

This year has started out really well for The Commons.  After all the holidayness that has gone around we still kept the festivities going in January.  There were ladies movie nights followed with dessert and coffee with a game after.  Some birthdays and Bunco parties.  If you haven't ever played Bunco and like games....try it! 
I'm trying to be more intentional with building relationships with some of the ladies on the fringe of our community. 
The end of January brought something very exciting for The Commons 2011.  Tim announced that we were starting up a 4-week membership class on Tuesday and Wednesday nights.  We have over 30 who are attending these classes.  We are going to offer them again on Sunday nights at the end of February.  This is a crucial time for The Commons.  Some of the people attending have never attended or have ever been an offical member of a church so this is huge.  It's all very exciting!
We are still continuing the ladies 'Breaking Free' Beth Moore bible study.  It's been a great thing for the ladies and myself.  We have a couple more weeks left and Amy, Becky and myself have talked about just doing a straight bible study for the remaining weeks.  I am really excited about that.
The men are doing a book study on Monday nights that started with Monday night football.  Then it turned into a book study and then football and with football over it's now just a book study.  That was a huge blessing to see develop. 
Amy, Becky and myself met a few weeks ago to talk about Sports Camp 2010.  The dates are set for July 12-16th.  If anyone is interested in coming up here to serve in this great outreach opportunity please let me know.  I have a house now and plenty of floor space. 
For 2010 I have been assigned two new responsibilities.  One is Assimilation for The Commons.  I had to learn what that word even meant and then what it actually looks like.  The wonderful thing about being a church plant with an emphasis on community and sharing God's word is the fluidity that we have with outreach.  Outreach can look like so many things.  Assimilation can look so many different ways.  I look forward to what assimilation is going to look like over the years for The Commons. 
The other is responsibility is Events and Activities.  This includes everything from our game nights to Sunday lunches after church to the dinner we provide at the family membership classes.  This is me learning how to cook, how to budget and how to cater.  :-)  I can start my own business after this and tell you how much money it would take to feed over 50 people.  Get any more people than that and I don't know if I could tell you....I would just order pizza.  Just kidding. 
With these responsibilities comes the need to know how to delegate.  Unfortunately I do not know how to do this.  This will only hurt me in the long run because I will drive myself insane because I won't let anything go.  This has to be a prayer focus for me.  I know I can do it and I know once I get the hang of things it shouldn't be that difficult....but I just have to learn it.  I hear it takes 30 days of a new habit to take the place of an old 'bad' habit.  I guess I need to delegate something for the next 30 days.....that should be interesting for those around me....or tortorous! 



I have a problem with consistency....as is visible with this blog. I have a problem streamlining things in my head...thoughts.....tasks. If I don't write it down on a piece of paper...it wont' get done. And in all honesty even if it gets written down it's not always done.
That brings me to another point. I used to write. I have a boat load of poems that I wrote many, many moons ago. Granted...none of them are award winning but I remember I enjoyed it for the most part. None of them were anything exciting....mostly all on the subject of Love...because I'm a girl. And maybe I don't write anymore about 'Love' because I have found the greatest of loves....God. But don't you think I might start writing about His love?!? Hasn't happened.
Then let's talk about reading. I read the Harry Potter books quicker than I have ever read anything. I read a certain series about a certain vampire and a girl even quicker!! Is this what I want to spend my time reading? Not always but it is a nice break. Put me on a plane and give me only one option and I will read through a Erwin McManus book and underline the crap out of it....but once I'm off the plane...it won't be picked up. Only for a reference.
If you asked me what I enjoy doing....I don't know where to start. I LOVE being with people. And at the same time...I'm ok with sitting on my couch watching my DVR'd shows with popcorn and Dr. Pepper. But then I look back at that sentence and think....really Kathy?! You could be bettering yourself by reading or writing....a letter, a card, a poem, a blog, a newsletter....but instead....you eat!?
Something has to change, right?!
I know I'm hard on myself. And trust me folks, I do know that it's not the only thing that I do...but I want to finish that book and write that poem. Or do I?! Maybe the better question is....what motivates me to finish anything??


Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Year In Review

Well folks....it's been a year!! It's been a year since I drove up to the Corbins house and saw the 'Welcome Home' sign on their house outside....for me!!

I have thoroughly enjoyed what this last year has done for The Commons, me, God's Kingdom, The Commons and me.

Let me start with The Commons.... When I first got here we had a regular attendance of maybe....50-70 folks...which is great! We were meeting in Post Middle School in Arlington. We had community group on Wednesday nights at the Corbins that would consist of 40 plus people...and kids....kids running around the house until bible study started. FUN! :-)

Since then The Commons has moved to a bigger elementary....Pioneer Elementary in Arlington and our attendance now runs over 100 on average. We have more space for the kids which was a huge concern at Post and just a great location.

Now let's look at me....not too long, you may hurt your eyes! When I first got here I was living with one our The Commons families and my cats were in another families house. It was 8 or 9 weeks before I found a place of my own. And it was on my 6 month anniversary that I found a job. But before finding my job I went through one of the roughest seasons of my life. And I have been through some stuff....but never with God. He was showing me how to depend on Him. I had a relationship with Him....but I wasn't dependent....huge difference. And I wouldn't trade any of it for the world. If He brought me here for only that....it was worth every tear, cry, yell, laugh, smile and love that has deepened and understanding of what He wants from me....every day of my life.

Thanks for being there folks!


Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Folks I need your address!! I have a little something for everyone from The Commons team. If you are interested in receiving a little something from The Commons please send me your email address to servinginseattle.com.


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Sunday, November 29, 2009

Of a Sunday morning....

I can't explain the absolute joy I have in my heart for where God has brought me.
Sitting here at The Commons during set up....listening to Tim and Amy singing and my team enjoying a private moment of worship before we start working. It's just lovely people. I can't explain it. I only hope more people can experience something like this....giving your life to Him.....He shows you so much....it's hard but so worth it!!
In Christ.

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Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Share Time

Ok folks. It's time for me to get real with you. Lately I have been feeling like I'm not doing enough!! I'm not seeing people like God sees them!! I'm listening to a Brandon Heath song 'Gimme Your eyes'. I LOVE it but a I listen and look out at the people passing...am I really doing that...even though I have asked for His eyes numerous times. I fail.

I recognize how unworthy I am of His love. And I brings tears to my eyes realizing that He does love me despite my many short comings!! How can people not know or want to know this beautiful Savior. Thank you God for loving the people You created. Speak to those who don't know You and move in this who aren't listening to you. Remind me why You brought me here.


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